Archiv für den Monat: November 2012

Tarja Turunen – Christmas In The Heart(s)!

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Xmas is coming and the former NIGHTWISH singerTarja Turunen is preparing for her upcoming Christmas tour.

How Tarja celebrated Christmas in her youth and why an Argentine Santa Clause is a funny sight to see – read the following interview!

SiN: How did you get the idea for this special Christmas tour? I myself love the Christmas period since my childhood, it´s still a very special time for me – maybe it´s the same for you?

Tarja: I recorded my Christmas album in 2006 and even before that I have been making Christmas tours in Finland and also some concerts abroad. It has became like a tradition to me already to make these tours to happen every year. I love performing in churches, theaters or places like that with different acoustics and atmosphere.
When I was young it was a tradition in my family to sing Christmas songs all together, so the importance of music during Christmas celebrations is big to me.

SiN: Would you share some special childhood memories with us? How is a traditional finnish Xmas like?

Tarja: If there is no snow during Christmas in Finland, the kids are getting worried if Santa Claus can travel with his reindeers and sleigh to bring their presents. So snow is very important factor for the children in Finland. We burn a lot of candles, cook traditional Christmas food and eat a lot. Christmas is a time of a year when you should not think about dieting!
Music is also very important as there are hundreds of Christmas concerts happening during December so people are usually going to listen at least one concert with the whole family before Christmas. I used to cook cookies and Christmas bread with my mom and decorate the real Christmas tree couple of days before Christmas eve with my brothers. I loved that!

SiN: Besides the 4 german concerts you go on tour in your home country Finland. Is there a reason why you decide to play especially in Germany?

Tarja: Last time I performed Christmas concerts in Germany was in 2005 and the experience was really nice at that time. I wanted to make it happen again. My fans were really happy to have me performing totally different kind of concert for them. I am sure that this time it won’t be different!

SiN: The press photo with the red dress is great, you look fantastic in it! Styling and presentation are very important for you, would you agree? One of the nice side effects of being that popular is certainly getting such beautiful dresses and make-up (no, I¥m NOT jealous..;) )?

Tarja: Oh well… thank you! 🙂 It is rather important for me to choose my performing dresses well in advance and to work with designers that know me. My sponsor Nordenfeldt is going to be designing me a new dress for this year’s concerts. I can’t wait to see the design. Creating a perfect atmosphere for my concerts is definitely most important. That means choosing the songs and the venues carefully.

SiN: I read you moved to Argentina – a big contrast to Finland, isn¥t it? Are the climatic differences the reason?

Tarja: I have lived permanently in Argentina for 4 years now and I love it here. The difference in living in a country like Argentina is huge compared to my home country Finland, but I have never had any cultural problems or problems in accepting the differences. Life is very colorful here and I like the local food, the weather and the people.

Also the fact that I can live a rather normal life here, which I was not able to do in Finland, helped my decision of moving here. I have plenty of fans here, but the city of Buenos Aires is huge so I can go out normally.

SiN: Maybe another reason for the tour, I guess it´s better to celebrate Christmas in frosty Finland ;)?

Tarja: Definitely the Christmas in Argentina is not feeling like a real Christmas with +40 degrees. Even chocolates are melting in a shadow and the Santas and their helpers are running with shorts! That is rather funny sight to see.

SiN: A new album is announced for Autumn 2013, do you already work on it? What can we expect – a classical or a Goth Metal album, I guess a combination of elements from both directions?

Tarja: The elements on my new studio album are going to remain the same as in my previous studio rod albums. There are songs that are really heavy with guitars and then others having only orchestra in them. I love the dynamic differences in my songs and when you listen to the album, you must know that I have been working so hard in them.
I love the freedom that I have today to produce my records and choose the people to work with. It is unbelievable! I am very happy as an artist today and grateful for the fact that I can have a career on my own.

SiN: Okay, thank you for your time. I wish you huge success with the tour and a wonderful Xmas time! Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta! Hope that was correct ;)!

Tarja: Oh, thank you very much for your kind words! I wish you the same…Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! With love, Tarja

More about Tarja:

Kategorie: English Version

23. Szenemarkt 13.10.2012 im Event-Schloss PULP Duisburg be“geister“te!

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Passend zum nahenden Halloween fand am Samstag 13.10.2012 im Event-Schloss PULP Duisburg wieder der beliebte Szenemarkt statt und bot mit zahlreichen ausgefallenen Händlern, Künsthanderwerkern, Hobbykünstlern und Szenetrödlern den großen wie kleinen Besuchern alles, was das Herz begehrt. Um die Begehrlichkeiten des Magens kümmerte sich natürlich wieder die hervorragende PULP-Gastronomie mit leckeren Grillspeisen, Salaten und Kuchenbüffet. Ein gelungener Live-Auftritt der Vampir-Electro Band BLUTZUKKER sowie ein kleiner Wettbewerb unter den vielen gruselig verkleideten Kindern rundeten das Event ab. Weiterlesen

Kategorie: Events, Foto-Berichte

Halloween auf Burg Satzvey 2012 – ein gruseliges Familienerlebnis!

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Am 27.10.und 31.10.2012 öffnete die Burg Satzvey in Mechernich bei Köln ab 18 Uhr ihre Tore und lud zu einer Gruselnacht der ganz besonderen Art ein!
Schon der Weg zur wunderbar atmosphärischen Burg verspricht einen schaurig schönen Abend. Verkleidete und unverkleidete Menschen strömen auf allen Strassen hin zum Eingang , in grünes Licht getauchte Skelette kündigen schon an, was gleich auf einen zu kommt. Weiterlesen
Kategorie: Events, Foto-Berichte